Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Duotrope: A Brilliant Resource for Fiction and Poetry Writers

Today I thought I'd spotlight a brilliant (and free) market-info resource for fiction and poetry writers called Duotrope.

Duotrope currently lists over 4100 current fiction and poetry publications, including anthologies and contests.

If you have written a poem or a story and are looking for a suitable market to submit it to, you can use the search box on the Duotrope homepage (see screengrab below) to search by genre, length, payscale, and so on.


Figure 1 - Duotrope Search Box

Alternatively, you can browse all listings on Duotrope or search by title by visiting this page of the website.

Another great feature of the site is that you can get a weekly email sent to you listing new markets and any significant changes to existing ones. You can opt to receive fiction updates, or poetry updates, or both. You have to register on Duotrope to receive the email newsletters, but this is free and only takes a moment.

I've copied below an extract from the Duotrope fiction newsletter - a partial list of anthologies and themed issues with upcoming deadlines - so you can get some idea how useful this is. All titles in the email newsletter link to the relevant listing on Duotrope.


Figure 2 - Extract from Duotrope Fiction Newsletter

You can also opt to receive market updates in your RSS feed reader if you prefer. In this case you get updates as they occur rather than once a week.

Duotrope has a range of other features as well, including interviews with editors, a calendar of upcoming deadlines, and more. Registered members can also access some additional features, including RSS feeds of their favorite markets, markets where they have submissions pending, and so on. Note that some of these extra features are currently in Beta.

Duotrope is an invaluable resource for fiction writers, so if you write fiction or poetry, I highly recommend checking it out. Although it is free, they do still have running costs to defray, so donations are always welcomed.

If you have any comments or questions about Duotrope, please feel free to leave them below. Or if you know of any similar resources that writers should be aware of, please post them here as well.

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